#01. Engineering
#02.Design and production of a frame and special tools for producing artificial defects
#03.Part inspection on reception
#04.Creation of artificial defects (side-drilled holes, flat-bottomed holes, semi-elliptical electrical discharge-machined notches)
#05.Dimensional inspection of defects
#06.End-of-manufacturing report
#08. Packaging and shipping

#01. Engineering
#02.Kick-off meeting
#03.Material procurement (with material certificate)
#05. Post-machining UT inspection
#06.Welding and cladding
#07.Creation of artificial defects (FBH, thermal crazing)
#08.Dimensional inspection of artificial defects
#09.End-of-manufacturing report
#11.Packaging and shipping

#02.Kick-off meeting
#03.Part inspection on reception
#04.Design and production of special tools for producing artificial defects
#05.Artificial defect formation (electrical discharge machined notches, flat-bottomed holes)
#06.Dimensional inspection of defects
#07.End-of-manufacturing report
#09.Packaging and shipping